How The Right Cloud Solution Can Help your MSP Minimize Downtime

Cloud storage communication with computer, laptop, tablet and smartphone in home or work network. Online devices upload, download information, data in database on cloud services. Isometric concept.

With digital transformation sweeping through virtually every industry on the planet, many companies are making the switch to cloud computing. Among the reasons for this switch is the higher level of reliability and reduction of downtime when using cloud-based digital assets. This provides a compelling reason for many businesses to make the change, along with flexibility and lower overall cost.

But what about when cloud services have downtime? This can be extremely frustrating for customers who have made the switch to improve reliability, as well as for cloud providers who serve those customers. Let’s take a look at how MSPs can provide reliable cloud services and keep downtime to a minimum.

Hire a dedicated cloud provider.

Modern IT teams are expected to secure home networks for remote workers and deploy security solutions quickly, all while flawlessly keeping assets up and running. The right cloud provider can alleviate these worries by handling hosting, individualized backups, and 24/7 access to the resources your MSP needs to succeed. Make sure to spend some time searching for a cloud partner who is genuinely dedicated; larger cloud providers are often more interested in your end clients then you. The right cloud provider fit will handle your needs on an individualized basis.

Communicate with your cloud provider.

The last thing you want as an MSP is for your cloud provider to be radio silent when you need their assistance, but unfortunately this is often the case. The right cloud provider will keep you in the loop if something goes wrong and will have a defined process in place to solve issues efficiently. When interviewing a cloud partner, make sure to gauge their ability to put your needs first. A partner who is excellent at communicating with your MSP is one that will be able to professionally work through any issues that arise.

Work with your cloud provider to make sure that security is top-notch.

Having good cybersecurity in place helps prevent assets from going down at your MSP, but strong security practices also keep cloud systems protected if they happen to go down. Have a conversation with your cloud provider about the security strategies in place so that when downtime arises, it can be addressed without worrying about a targeted attack prolonging the issue. Not all cloud providers offer security help, but a dedicated cloud provider will work with your MSP to bolster security and increase the safety of your backups and processes.

By following the suggestions above, you can vastly improve your MSP’s overall productivity and continually provide your customers with cloud services that are reliable and resilient. We believe that Cloud Services For MSPs provides the best dedicated cloud solutions for MSPs; please reach out to find out if we’re the right fit for your MSP.